

I love gifts and tributes. I will never demand them, but I always appreciate them. The most thoughtful slaves know to send gifts for all occasions and as reminders of your devotion to me. To make this easy, I have set up an Amazon wishlist and a Wishtender.

I would be quite pleased to receive any gift I have added to my list. I mean, I did pick all of the items out myself, and I have fabulous taste. I will occasionally mark certain items by priority if I feel you need a nudge or something that would make me extra happy.

Sometimes you may see me tweet about gifts I would like that aren’t on my Amazon wishlist. You can find those easily on my Wishtender wishlist.

Sending from my wishlist is easy and convenient for us both. I have all my packages sent to a package slave who is almost always home to receive and then deliver them to me. Few things are more exciting than learning surprise packages have arrived. It’s like Christmas anytime.

Whenever possible, I recommend sending a gift note so I know who sent the present and can thank you for it. I always like to give credit where credit is due.

tribute page wishlist photo of Elena De Luca in lingerie and heels
Tribute page gift cards photo of Elena De Luca in Lingerie

Gift Cards

Picking a gift for a dominant woman like me can seem daunting. The pressure to pick the thing I want most and will make me the happiest can be a lot to handle. So I also accept e-gift cards. You may send any one of these and I will be quite pleased to go shopping for myself. It is a favorite activity of mine.

Your thoughtfulness and care will not go unnoticed. When I do pick something out with your gift card, I will share my choice with you and give you full credit. Publicly, if that is something you are okay with me doing.

These are my preferred e-gift card retailers:


Do not feel overwhelmed by the choices listed here. I would be very happy to receive any of these. I commonly shop at all these retailers.

All e-gift cards can be sent directly to where I am happy to receive them.

When sending a gift card, only write “thank you” in the memo. send a separate email with any messages you would like to convey to me. Sending messages in the memo is an easy way to get us both banned from using that gift card service.

You may also purchase a physical Amazon gift card at a store by you and email me the claim code from the card. This removes any paper trail since you can pay cash for the card.  I also accept gift cards in this form for deposits. 

Tributes and Surprises

My birthday is on November 2nd. My domme anniversary is on April 5th. Do not forget these dates I will take note of who sends in celebration. 

I also take note of who sends gifts for Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

Credit is not given for just sending an empty email on these days. In fact, I find it rude. You can send well wishes and compliments on twitter where it won’t get in the way of emails from those looking to book my time.

None of these are required, but they do leave a lasting impression. I fully understand some can’t afford to send gifts for occasions or bring them to sessions. You will not be looked down upon for that, you will just need to make sure you are winning my favor in other ways.

Tributes and deposits may be sent via NiteFlirtSextPantherClips4SaleLoyalFansFanCentroIWantClips, and/or ManyVids tips, as well as any means I tell you when booking. Including the list of gift cards I accept.

I will never say PayPal, CashApp, CirlcePay or Square. I do not use any of these.

At this time I am not accepting Crypto. I will make an announcement if that changes.

I prefer to drink bold, red wines (Nero D’Avola is a favorite), champagne and Ketel One vodka. These make wonderful gifts to bring to session.

Some luxury brands I have an affinity for are the Tiffany T collection, Hermes and Jimmy Choo.

Outings are also something I quite enjoy, especially while traveling

Surprises photo of Elena De Luca in lingerie and stockings