Yesterday marked exactly one year since my last in-person session. Looking back now, vaccinated, I remember heading into the city that day, starting to feel the COVID terror set in, people avoiding each other on the train, no hand sanitizer or soap anywhere. I walked in and rushed to wash my hands before greeting my sub. I had more sessions scheduled for that week. I had no clue this would need to be my last.
As sad as it is to think about how long ago that feels, I have something to celebrate instead. This last Friday, I received my 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to current data from the CDC, I am “fully vaccinated” as of March 26th. Knowing this, I’ve decided to resume sessions as of April 1st.
No, this is not an April Fool’s joke. The date of my return is finally here. A year ago, I sent out a newsletter saying I would be taking a 2-week hiatus and would return on April 1st. Little did we all realize I had the correct day, wrong year.
I have missed you so much this last year. I am incredibly grateful for all of the technology that was able to keep us as connected as we have been. I’m thankful that it will continue to be there for us until it is safe to see each other as much as we would like.
At first, I am limiting appointments. We must continue to keep safety in mind until we are out of this pandemic. Your health is important to me. I will not be taking for granted that I am fully vaccinated when I know that majority of the population is not.
Availability is, as always, first come, first serve. So don’t wait; hurry up and get those appointment requests in before I’m all booked up! Using my contact page is the best way to do that so you know I get it and can get back to you in a timely manner. Calling me on NiteFlirt works too, but absolutely no chats on any of my services. That is not a place for booking.
My availability (for now) is not the only change in this post-quarantine realm. My rates have changed to reflect the extra time, attention, and equipment that will go into making each session safe and fulfilling.
New, lower rates for longer sessions.

I’ve always felt an hour is too short of a time slot for a truly in-depth and well-rounded scene. Now more than ever, I see it necessary to encourage multi-hour sessions. For a while, I’ve recommended a minimum 90 min session for new subs. At this time, I want to make it a guideline for all sessions.
I’m not making this mandatory. However, in my new tribute structure, you’ll see longer sessions have a greater value and lower tribute/hour. The longer you stay, the better the price value per hour. Of course, this also adds time for longer prep, more aftercare, and a full, balanced scene.
If you have served me before, your 1 hr and 90 min tributes will stay at my last rate. If you have not served before, you will pay my new tribute for a 60 or 90 min session. Sessions of 2 hrs or more will have the same rate no matter our history.
These recommended minimums and tribute changes do not effect “Solely Worship” or “Strictly Spanking” sessions.
As usual, booking at least 3-4 days in advance is recommended. Booking ahead is the best way to make sure I have the availability at the time you want. It also gives me time to prepare for the session. Making a game plan, gathering what I need, planning my outfit, having notice takes the stress and rush out.
If you absolutely must book same-day, I require a minimum 3 hr notice (6 hrs to see me after 8 pm). That is if I even have the availability that, which is incredibly rare. If I can see you, there will be a higher tribute for inconveniencing my day.
Being vaccinated doesn't mean less safety.
New safety measures have been added to keep you and everyone else who uses the studio protected. I will post a blog about that this week, not to weigh this post down too much with COVID protocol.
Just know that all possible precautions are being taken to protect the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike. Before, during, and after sessions. I want you to feel safe and comfortable when we are playing together. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is for me to get in your head.
If you aren’t ready to come back and see me yet, don’t worry. I am happy to continue our connection from a distance until you are ready. Your submission is what matters most to me. In whatever for it must come in at this time.
I look forward to seeing you again very soon. Visit my contact page and let’s book your appointment!