Good Friday seemed like the perfect day to talk about my religious kink. It’s already pretty well-known that I am an Ordained Minister and that I was raised Catholic. The latter often leads to religious fetishes for many. I hate being a stereotype, but here we are.
My parents dragged me to Sunday School every weekend for seven years. Lucky for me, we only went to church during the years one of us had to make a sacrament; and holidays. We did holiday masses every year, though.
Catholicism was a part of my childhood but not a big part of my life. When I became Agnostic, it was upsetting but not shocking. Most of my family found solace in that I had made all my sacraments. At least I could still go to Heaven, and God would always see me as a Catholic.
Religious schooling fueled my kink today.

Religion class left me with a lot more questions than answers. Annoyingly to my parents, teachers, Parish Nun and Priest, I asked these questions. At Sunday School they can’t send you to detention. Instead, I was often sent for “walks with Sister”. When Sister couldn’t handle my questions, I took walks with Father.
Handling me this way was, and still is, hilarious to me. I was “punished” by getting to skip class to ask the experts my questions. This probably backfired in ways they could never have imagined.
I learned that showing my inability to understand their concepts got me exactly the things I wanted. So I kept it up. They were not very sad to see me make confirmation and move away from the church.
I still consider myself Agnostic. I do wish I had a stronger interest in the catholic religion these days, though. I’ve forgotten many of the prayers and ceremonies. If I could sit through a Catholic mass I’d have more material for my scenes.
Even if I had the interest, I have been kicked out of the Catholic Church. When my sister was making her Confirmation we found out I was not eligible to be her sponsor because of my ordination.
My family was quite pissed to find out I was excommunicated. Again, I find it hilarious. I’m not sure if this revelation strengthened my love of Catholic kink, but it definitely didn’t hurt.
Religious play is fairly taboo. For some, this blog may be upsetting. If it has been so far, I strongly recommend you don’t continue. Things are about to get a lot kinkier. Consider this your TW for religious kink, blood, and ruby showers.

Okay, now that it’s just us pervs, I can tell you some of the perks of being ordained. Weddings are the main reason most get ordained. Don’t get me wrong, that’s super fun, and I’m happy to have been a part of my friends’ big days. However, I’m really here for the things I didn’t expect.
Here is a fun list of things I can do as a Woman of the Cloth:
- Weddings
- Funerals
- Baptisms
- Take confession
- Give penance
- Absolve sins
- Read last rites
- Sanctify things (Yes, I can make holy water)
Do you see where I am going with this? Allow me to explain. You can come to me to break half the commandments (all with the right role play). Then I can take your confession, give you a penance and absolve your sins. All in one scene. How hot is that?!
Do you want hotter? Let’s go there. I have my period. I pull out my full menstrual cup, sanctify it and baptize you with my holy blood. Can this scene get hotter? Yes, it can. You’ll have to call me on Niteflirt for that kind of talk.
Want a preview? You need to download the “Vow of Chastity” series on my clips4sale. Three clips; starring Cybill Troy and myself as nuns who find the Monsignor find the masturbating on a prayer kneeler.
In part one, he’s put into chastity and made to retake his vow. Part 2 is for atonement. We paddle and cane him brutally until he begs the Lord for mercy, but we have no interest in such things.
Just thinking about part 3 gets me wet, still. He’s tied to the prayer kneeler, hands in a prayer position. The rope leads to his dick. When he moves, it strokes him. In his hands, we’ve placed a flogger. That’s right, self-flagellation. It’s biblical.
That sounds like a lot, but I assure you, we go further. Cybill lifts her robe to show a big fat cock named “The Lord” because the Lord is always with her. While she pegs the priest, he flogs himself, reciting the Hail Mary.
I am in front of him. I pull out my tampon, squeeze it into a bowl of holy water and baptize him right there.
Aren’t you glad I gave that trigger warning? Are you still with me? Are you as turned on as I am? Go to my contact page to book a religious scene. Follow my Twitter to see when I’m available for ruby showers. I always make an announcement when it begins if I have availability on the best days.
Religious role play can be added to anything.
Religious play obviously isn’t just about blood. I think I enjoy it so much because it fits so well as the role play for all my favorite scenes. Discipline, penance, atonement, chastity, the rigid ceremonial nature of it all, how can I not be turned on by it?
If you observe, enjoy sitting in church this weekend thinking about receiving the Lord and being baptized by Father De Luca. Happy Easter!